【New Item】Single Malt Tsunuki 2022 Edition

Today we are pleased to announce the arrival of the new limited edition Single Malt Tsunuki 2022 Edition from the Mars Tsunuki distillery, Honbo Brewery.

The Mars Tsunuki distillery will be in its sixth season in 2022.
As the Tsunuki distillery, this is the third release of the Single Malt Tsunuki 2022 Edition, following the first release Tsunuki THE FIRST and the second release Tsunuki Peated.

Brilliant, mature, sweet fruity aroma and baked pastry-like savouriness

Compared to Tsunuki the First, it has by far the most floral and sweet fruit aroma.
The sweetness of the fruit, the savoury aroma of baked sweets, the woody, sweet taste derived from bourbon barrels and the acidity of passion fruit combine to create a pleasant aftertaste.
This is one of those bottles where you get the feeling that the quality of the pure form of whisky at the Tsunuki distillery is improving.We felt that it is greater value for money than most of the whiskies released by craft distilleries in recent times.
This is a whisky that you should try, as it is relatively limited and easy to get hold of.

Tasting Notes

Flavor  Floral, mature, sweet fruit aroma, baked goods
Taste Passionfruit acidity, chocolate
Aftertaste Long-lasting sweet aroma of bourbon casks

Product Specifications

Alcohol content  50%
Liquor categories Single malt Japanese whisky
Cask type Bourbon barrels, etc.
Volume and quantity 700ml
No. of products sold Limited edition of 35,800 bottles
Date of release 18 Jan 2022.
BAR Shinkai Offer price one glass costs /  45ml: 2,640yen, 30ml: 1,760yen, 15ml: 880yen

BAR Shinkai offers this service at Toranomon, as well as at all Azabujuban and Daimon. If you are interested, please give it a try.

For more information on Single Malt Tsunuki 2022 Editionsee this article.

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