【New Item】Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish Bottled in 2021

Thank you for your continued patronage of Azabujuban BAR Shinkai aka Hidden Lounge.

Today we are pleased to announce the arrival of “Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish Bottled in 2021”, a new limited release from Hombo Shuzo.

Finished in empty barrels aged India Pale Ale (IPA)

This single malt whisky is a single malt whisky finished in empty barrels in which India Pale Ale (IPA), a medium- dark beer brewed at the Minami Shinshu Beer Komagatake Brewery using an abundance of hops, has been laid to rest. It has a refreshing citrus and herbal aroma derived from hops, a clear sweetness reminiscent of grapefruit and orange, and a crisp bitter finish, making it an excellent match for a highball.

Tasting Notes

aroma Fresh citrus, mint, and esther.
flavor Sourness and moderate bitterness reminiscent of hops, woody, oily
aftertaste Oaky and subtle IPA-derived hoppy aroma persists.

Product Details

Alcohol content 52%
Liquor categories Single Malt Whisky
cask-type Bourbon Barrel (Minami-Shinshu Beer IPA)
Volume and quantity 700ml
No. of products sold Limited edition of 3,000 Bottles
Date of release Mid-July 2021
BAR Shinkai Offer price <45ml: 2,970 yen, 30ml: 1,980 yen, 15ml: 990 yen>

BAR Shinkai offers this service at all of its Toranomon and Daimon branches, as well as the Azabujuban branch. If you are interested, please give it a try.

For more information on Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish Bottled in 2021, please see this article.

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Single Malt Komagatake IPA Cask Finish Bottled in 2021 – Features, list price, and taste (jpwhisky.net)]

For a full list of BARShinkai’s whisky menu, click here.

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