[New Arrival] Single Malt Komagatake 2021 Edition

Thank you for visiting Azabujuban BAR Shinkai aka Hidden Lounge.

Today we are pleased to announce the arrival of the new limited edition “Single Malt Komagatake 2021 Edition” from Hombo Shuzo.

Mainly malt spirit aged in bourbon barrels and sherry casks

When drink straight, the aroma is fruity and gorgeous. The first attack gives the impression of being slightly alcoholic, but gradually the mellowness of the sherry casks comes into the picture.
The fruity, sweet and mellow flavor derived from the sherry casks can be felt more clearly than the vanilla-like aroma and flavor that is characteristic of bourbon casks. After a little time, the whisky becomes more mellow, and when a small amount of water is added, the alcohol taste weakens and the gorgeousness increases.

Tasting Notes

aroma Fresh fruits, plums, and esters
flavor Citrus fruit sweet and sour, slight vanilla
aftertaste Mellow aroma characteristic of sherry casks

Product Information

alcohol content 48%
Liquor categories single malt whisky
cask-type Mainly bourbon and sherry casks
Volume and quantity 700ml
No. of products sold Limited edition of 50,000
Date of release September 17, 2021
BAR Shinkai Offer price <45ml: 2,970 yen, 30ml: 1,980 yen, 15ml: 990 yen>

BAR Shinkai offers this service at all of its Toranomon and Daimon branches, as well as the Azabujuban branch. If you are interested, please give it a try.

For more information on the Single Malt Komagatake 2021 Edition, please see this article.

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Single Malt Komagatake 2021 Edition – Features, list prices and taste (jpwhisky.net)]

For a full list of BARShinkai’s whisky menu, click here.

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