【New Item】Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 LIMITED EDITION

A mellow, smoky “Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 Limited Edition” from the Kanosuke distillery is a new arrival.

Today we are pleased to announce the arrival of the new Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 Limited Edition from the Kanosuke Distillery in Kagoshima Prefecture.

Fifth of the single malt Japanese whiskies from the Kanosuke distillery.
Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 Limited Edition is made from peated malt and distilled in 2018-2019.Vatting of multiple casks for key malt bourbon cask-matured raw materials.
Japanese whisky bottled at cask strength.

1.Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 Limited  Edition


Mellow sweetness and lingering smoky flavour

This whisky,”Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 Linited Edition” was mainly made with peat malt and matured in bourbon casks in 2018-2019, vatted and bottled at cask strength from several casks, including the original shochu litchi cask.
Enjoy the mellow sweetness and lingering smoky flavour.(Cited from: Single Malt Kanosuke2023 LIMITED EDITION|Kanosuke Distillery

Tasting Notes

Flavor Smoky top, later mellow aromas of ripe fruit
Taste Smooth mouthfeel, elegant sweetness of anko (red bean paste) and pure caramel candy, smoked nuts
Aftertaste Woody, roasted and smoky finish

Product Specifications

Alcohol content 59%
Liquor categories Single malt Japanese Whisky
Cask type Bourbon casks,Shochu Richer Casks (etc.)
Volume and quantity 700ml
No. of products sold Limited quantity
MSRP 14,300yen(including tax)
Date of release 14 June 2023.

Offer price

At the BAR Shinkai, one glass costs 45ml:4,290 yen,  30ml:2,860 yen,  15ml:1,430 yen 

For more information on「Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 Limited Edition」see this article.

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Single Malt Kanosuke 2023 LIMITED EDITION (jpwhisky.net)]

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