【New Item】Kosumo Manzanilla Cask Finish 2021

Thank you for your continued patronage of Azabujuban BAR Shinkai.

Today we are pleased to announce the arrival of “Koshibo Manzanilla Cask Finish 2021,” a new limited release from Hombo Shuzo.

Manzanilla” is a dry, dry sherry.

Sherry casks are generally used to age whisky, such as “Oloroso Sherry” and “Pedro Ximenez Sherry,” which are relatively thick empty sherry casks, while manzanilla is a dry white wine made from the Palomino grape, and is the lightest and driest of all sherry wines. Manzanilla is the lightest and driest of all sherry wines. Manzanilla is the lightest and driest of all sherry wines. It can be described as a dry, crisp sherry. Finishing in finotype Manzanilla casks gives the whisky a light aroma reminiscent of white wine, with a light sweetness and a bitter oaky flavor.


香り 爽やかな香草、バター、ミルク、ドライフルーツ
味わい ミルクキャラメル、ココナッツ、ビターチョコレート、モルトの甘み
余韻 爽やかでビターな樽香とチョコレートが溶けて消えていくようなやさしい甘さが続く


アルコール度数 42%
酒別 ブレンデッドモルトウィスキー
樽種 マンサニージャ樽にて追加熟成
内容量 700ml
販売本数 数量限定
発売日 2021年6月15日
BAR新海 提供価格 <45ml:1,650円、30ml:1,100円、15ml:550円>

BAR Shinkai offers this service at all of its Toranomon and Daimon branches, as well as the Azabujuban bar. If you are interested, please give it a try.

For more information on Kosmo Manzanilla Cask Finish 2021, please see this article.

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For a full list of BARShinkai’s whisky menu, click here.

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