【New Item】Ichiro’s Malt Chichibu The Peated 2022

Today we are pleased to announce the arrival of Ichiro’s Malt Chichibu The Peated 2022, a limited release from Venture Whisky Corporation and Chichibu Distillery.

11,000 bottles sold. This is the first release in approximately four years since Ichiro’s Malt Chichibu The Peated 2018.

1, Ichiro’s Malt Chichibu The Peated 2022

A superb series produced by the Chichibu distillery with a focus on peated bottles

Ichiro’s Malt Chichibu The Peated 2022 is a peated single malt whisky from the Chichibu distillery.
The use of peat in the milling process to dry the malt has resulted in a strong smoky character. Sweet, light custard cream, fruity as it glides across the surface. The aroma on the palate is reminiscent of soft black tea, and the overall impression continues to change with time.
Bottled non-chill filtered and naturally coloured to allow you to enjoy the character of the original spirit as it is.The complex aftertaste, which gently echoes the robust character of the original spirit, can be enjoyed over time.
(Cited from:Venture Whisky Corporation )

The image of vanilla, cream and plum-like fruitiness follows the smoky flavours. Compared to past Chichibu The Peated, the overall sweetness is stronger, such as rich vanilla and banana.

Tasting Notes

Flavor Strong peat aroma, vanilla, custard cream.
Taste Strong smoky, custard cream, plum-like fruit, salty.
Aftertaste Bitter chocolate-like sweetness, bitterness and smoky flavours.

Product Specifications

Alcohol content 53%
Liquor categories Single malt Japanese whisky
Cask type
Volume and quantity 700ml
No. of products sold Limited edition of 11,000 bottles
Date of release Feb 2022.
BAR Shinkai Offer price one glass costs 45ml: 4,620yen, 30ml: 3,080yen, 15ml: 1,540yen

BAR Shinkai offers this service at the Toranomon, as well as at all Azabu juban and Daimon. If you are interested, please give it a try.

For more information on Ichiro’s Malt Chichibu The Peated 2022see this article.

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Ichiro’s Malt Chichibu The Peated 2022 – feature (jpwhisky.net)https://en.jpwhisky.net/2022/03/04/chichibu_the_peated_2022-2/]

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