【New Item】The Akkeshi Blended Whisky “Shoman”

Today we are pleased to announce the arrival of 「The Akkeshi Blended Whisky Shoman」, newly released from the Akkeshi Distillery in Hokkaido Prefecture.

The 11th in the Akkeshi Whisky ‘Twenty-Four japanese microseasons Series’, Akkeshi Blended Whisky Shoman, is now available.
This is the first release since the last single malt Japanese whisky, Keichitsu, was released about three months ago.

1.The Akkeshi Blended Whisky ”Shoman”


Key malt is ‘Mizunara casks of All Hokkaido Whisky’.

The key malt is all Hokkaido Mizunara oak again this year.This is now the standard “Akkeshi whisky”.
The cask composition is a diverse blend of bourbon, sherry, wine, mizunara and rum.
It seems to be the most rum barrel-based formula in the 24-section series to date.
The fruity top with an oriental aroma like incense and a smokiness that also follows later, with a never-ending fragrance, and a mild mouthfeel like honey and syrup, with citrus, herbs and a tidal-like taste, also Akkeshi-like.The taste changes slowly in the mouth and gives a feeling of richness.This is the ultimate in blending power.

Tasting Notes

Flavor Pineapple, changing from an oriental to a smoky aroma, like incense
Taste Honey, mango jam, lemon peel, herbs
Aftertaste Fresh citrus acidity, tidal, spicy finish.

Product Specifications

Alcohol content 48%
Liquor categories Blended Whisky
Cask type Bourbon, sherry, wine, mizunara and rum casks
Volume and quantity 700ml
No. of products sold Limited to 10,000 bottles
MSRP 13,200yen(including tax)
Date of release 31 May 2023.

Offer price

At the BAR Shinkai, one glass costs 45ml:3,960 yen,  30ml:2,640 yen, 15ml:1,320yen

For more information onThe Akkeshi Blended Whisky Shomansee this article.

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Akkeshi Blended Whisky Shoman – Characteristics (jpwhisky.net)]

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